A comprehensive rundown, in chronological order, of Dee Dee McCall's outfits from the TV series Hunter (1984-1991)


A Long Way From L.A.

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This is the episode where we apparently get to meet Dee Dee’s favorite belt. I’m adding it to our category list, as “this belt goes with everything,” just in case it pops up in other episodes.

We’ve also got a number of instances of Dee Dee being a badass. You gotta love her threatening the redneck with a broken beer bottle! Later on, she practically yawns while preparing to inject a police officer with a knock-out solution, and then pulls the baddie’s own gun on him! Of course, if you were just watching Dee Dee, you’d miss Mr. Easterland (Morgan Woodward) in his crazy pajamas. I’m checking the “pajama party” category for those!

Ooops, looks like the episode is over. Did you see the belt? It was in three different outfits: the orangey-brown jumpsuit, the pink blouse/tan slacks combo, and the blue dress. Bonus points for the Hunter/McCall hayseed bit at the episode’s close.

The Hot Grounder

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I’d say this episode is more notable for gunplay than wild outfits. Plus, Dee Dee gets to kick some ass in a number of scenes. But first, let’s check out her classy digital watch as she questions the Commissioner. I think that’s a Timex, right?

And look at Hunter. Clearly this isn’t his closet– it has more than one suit in it!

Here comes the start of Dee Dee’s asskicking. After Hunter gets his purse stolen, Dee Dee sheds her shoes for a run in her stockings (see what I did there?) jumping over the hood of a car, and later tackling the thief. Wild! After the addition of some costume jewelry and sunglasses to her ensemble, Dee Dee goes all Jersey on some lawyers, and finishes out the day smashing up some poor guy’s apartment with a ball bat!

I feel that I have to make special mention of this guy’s decor. It’s awful! Just look at that painting behind Dee Dee– wtf is going on here? I’m ready to accept the black velvet matadors, but the paint-by-numbers pseudo-cubist Jessica Rabbit is blowing my mind!

Later Dee Dee shows viewers what to wear when you’re having a shootout in the junkyard, and then finds time to change into a fairly dull pants/shirt combo. Even she doesn’t look thrilled.

Hard Contract

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Not as many goofy outfits as the Pilot episode, though the purple striped pants are pretty wild. And check the bracelets with the outfit– Dee Dee’s channeling Wonder Woman again!

As a side note, I recognized the bloody barkeep from a Hunter season 2 episode, “Death Machine.” A quick check at IMDB reveals that it’s Ron Karabatsos, a former pro wrestler and police officer before his acting career. Although he isn’t referred to by name in “Hard Contract,” IMDB has him listed as Brian Carmichael… though in “Death Machine,” he’s somehow become “Lucky Lacy,” a millionaire fence.

Following the purple bar getup, Dee Dee finds something a bit more normal to wear. But wait, her striped blouse must be one of those magical color-changing deals, because it somehow turns into a blue blouse while she’s on the phone! Right afterwards, it’s back to stripes. Continuity, you devil.

Clearly, Dee Dee changes clothes more often than Hunter. When Dee Dee returns to headquarters, she’s now in the blue blouse, but he’s still rocking his same suit and pants. I suppose this blog wouldn’t be too long if I was taking stills of his outfits, though, would it?

Looks like casual day at headquarters in those last couple stills. I’d make a joke about the acid-washed jeans if it wasn’t for the guy rocking a tank top back behind Dee Dee! He must be a beach cop, haha.


Hunter: Pilot episode

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There’s a lot of outfits in the pilot episode! I’ve done my best to provide full-length snapshots of each of Dee Dee McCall’s outfits. Otherwise, you’d miss those crazy red cowboy boots! Dig her furry red hooker coat. It looks like someone skinned Barney, haha.

I got a couple snaps of McCall packing– a knife in her boot, and a handgun in her purse. Gotta love her temporary tattoo as well. For kicks, check out the decor in her apartment– is that a plush mounted moose head above her bathroom door? Looks like someone went hunting in Toys R Us! Bizarre.

The pastel kaftan/robe thing is also pretty wild. She manages to jump off her 2nd story balcony in this getup, so I suppose it’s functional. I’m still adding my “Dregs of Dee Dee” tag, so you’ll know where to look in the future for the really weird stuff.

You’ll also notice a couple non-Dee Dee photos– but c’mon, don’t you want to see Hunter in her closet? And check out Maggie Seaver– I mean, Joanna Kerns– as Dr. Kettering… or is it Dr. Kettering? Nope, it’s Dee Dee in disguise!

Welcome to The Brass Cupcake!

First off, let me just say that this blog is partly inspired by another one: “Mallory’s Clothes,” which features stills taken from the series Family Ties. I have a long history of obsessive endeavors and odd hobbies, so this sort of thing always catches my attention.

My other inspiration is the Hunter series itself, specifically the box set that contains every episode. It is packaged in a single giant DVD case, with over 120 hours of Hunter across 28 discs– many of which involve Stephanie Kramer‘s character (Dee Dee McCall, AKA “The Brass Cupcake”) wearing some sort of ridiculous getup while undercover.

While I’m sure that my commentary will be (hopefully) somewhat humorous, I do want to state up front that I’m a fan of the show. I hope you’ll consider The Brass Cupcake in that light, and roll with the iffy legal status of sharing this stuff.